Qlik Nprinting
Qlik Npriting
Each organization (to a certain extent) uses the generated static reports (in the form of Excel sheets, PDF files, etc.). An additional module – Qlik Nprinting is a solution for these needs on the Qlik platform. Thanks to the use of Qlik Nprinting in the existing or implemented Qlik platform, the whole process of Business Intelligence in the organization can be designed with the use of one and coherent platform.
Qlik Nprinting enables to generate and distribute (automatically) reports in Word, Excel, PDF and HMTL formats. Reports are generated on the basis of data collected on the Qlik platform. This ensures that the data generated by the Qlik Nprinting is always consistent with information observed by users in analytical applications.

Qlik Nprinting is compatible with both QlikView and Qlik Sense. It enables to create reports that link data from both platforms. Thanks to the integration with Qlik, models that have been created for the needs of interactive analyzes may also be used for reporting. Nprinting (report platform) fully supports the HTML technology – both in the process of creating reports and communication with other components. Open API enables easy integration of Qlik Nprinting with other solutions that use the REST technology.
Qlik Nprinting also has on-line website, where reports can be published in all available formats. With the use of the website, the user may:
- Browse the catalog of reports in accordance with his authorizations
- Compare the current and previous versions of reports
- Independently subscribe reports that will be sent to the user’s mail in accordance with time intervals determined by him
Learn more about functionalities of the website:
On-Demand Reporting
Qlik Nprinting Reports may also be generated (directly) from the Qlik application with the use of the On-Demand extension. Reports can be created based on the current selection in the application. Therefore, you can reuse the same report templates to generate different views.
On demand reporting:
Integration of protections with Qlik platform
Nprinting reports can be generated (taking into account the Section Access mechanism) in source applications – QlikView and Qlik Sense. Therefore, it is not necessary to create separate model of permissions for the generated reports.
The mechanism based on roles of users (analogous to the Qlik Sense platform) is used to secure an access to the platform and create new reports. This mechanism enables to create personalized grids of roles, taking into account the scope of access for users to create and edit templates, create distribution tasks and manage the platform. Architecture of protections supports technologies such as DMS, Curberos, JWT, SAML, LDAP or REST.
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